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Alumno Premium

El propósito de Pupil Premium

El Gobierno cree que la Prima para Alumnos, que es adicional a la financiación de la escuela principal, es la mejor manera de abordar las desigualdades subyacentes actuales entre los niños elegibles para comidas escolares gratuitas (FSM) y sus compañeros más ricos al garantizar que la financiación para abordar las desventajas llegue a los alumnos. quienes más lo necesitan.

Para los alumnos de familias de bajos ingresos en entornos no convencionales, corresponde a la autoridad local decidir cómo asignar la Prima de Alumno. Por ejemplo, podría asignarse al entorno en el que están siendo educados o retenido por la autoridad local para gastar específicamente en apoyo educativo adicional para elevar el nivel de rendimiento de estos alumnos. La autoridad debe consultar los entornos no convencionales sobre cómo se debe utilizar la Prima para estos alumnos.


El DfE dice:

Las escuelas son libres de gastar la prima por alumno como mejor les parezca. Sin embargo, serán responsables de cómo han utilizado los fondos adicionales para apoyar a los alumnos de familias de bajos ingresos. Se incluirán nuevas medidas en las tablas de rendimiento que capturarán el rendimiento de los alumnos desfavorecidos cubiertos por la prima por alumno.

¿Cómo pueden contribuir los padres y cuidadores al éxito del programa Pupil Premium?

Si su hijo es elegible para recibir comidas escolares gratuitas, vale la pena registrarlo incluso si no va a tomar el almuerzo escolar, e incluso si tiene derecho a una cena gratis en el marco del programa de comidas escolares gratuitas infantiles universales del gobierno. Tendrá un impacto directo en la financiación y maximizará el apoyo que podemos brindar.

El apoyo y la participación de los padres es un factor clave para elevar los estándares. Si desea ayuda o consejo para apoyar a su hijo, o si no está seguro de cómo solicitar la inscripción para recibir comidas escolares gratuitas, comuníquese con la Sra. Jacqui Darlington, quien es administradora de la provisión de Prima para Alumnos.

¿Quién tiene derecho a comidas escolares gratuitas?

Su hijo puede tener derecho a comidas escolares gratuitas, si tiene derecho a recibir cualquiera de los siguientes:

  • Apoyo a los ingresos

  • Asignación para solicitantes de empleo basada en los ingresos

  • Subsidio de apoyo y empleo relacionado con los ingresos

  • Apoyo en virtud de la Parte VI de la Ley de inmigración y asilo de 1999

  • el elemento garantizado del crédito de pensión estatal

  • Crédito tributario por hijos (siempre que no tenga derecho al crédito tributario por trabajo y tenga un ingreso bruto anual de no más de £ 16,190)

  • Crédito tributario por trabajo acumulado: pagado durante 4 semanas después de que deja de calificar para el crédito tributario por trabajo

  • Crédito universal

Recovery Premium Funding 2023/24


Recovery premium is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by COVID-19.

It is a time-limited grant providing over £300 million of additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021/22 academic year and £1 billion across the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years.

Eligible schools

This includes Local authority-maintained schools such as ours.

Pupil eligibility

Recovery premium allocations for mainstream schools will be based on pupil premium eligibility. This includes:

  • pupils who are recorded as eligible for free school meals or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 years, including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds.

  • children looked after by local authorities, referred to as looked-after children.

  • children previously looked after by a local authority or other state care, referred to as previously looked-after children.


Funding rates for academic year 2023/24

Recovery premium allocations for academic year 2023/24 will be calculated on a per pupil basis, based on the following rates.

In mainstream education, the rates are:

  • £145 per eligible pupil in primary schools


Funding paid to schools.

To ensure that recovery premium is focused on effective approaches to raising the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils, schools must use their recovery premium (and pupil premium) in line with the ‘menu of approaches’ set by the Department for Education.

The menu of approaches can be found in ’Using pupil premium: guidance for school leaders’.

The menu has been developed in line with the EEF’s 3-tiered approach to help schools allocate spending across the following 3 areas:

  • supporting high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development

  • providing targeted academic support, such as tutoring

  • tackling non-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties with attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing

In line with the EEF’s recommended approach, schools should prioritise high-quality teaching, though the exact balance of spending between tiers will vary depending on the specific needs of pupils.

The menu includes tutoring, but recovery premium conditions of grant for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years state that schools must not use the grant to meet their portion of the costs of tuition provided through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP).

Recovery premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils, and schools do not have to spend recovery premium so that it solely benefits eligible pupils. Recovery premium can be used to support other pupils with identified needs, such as pupils who have or have had a social worker, or pupils who act as a carer. It can also be used for whole class interventions, for example high-quality teaching, which will also benefit non-disadvantaged pupils.

High attaining eligible pupils should receive just as much focus as lower attaining eligible pupils when it comes to spending funding. Evidence shows that eligible pupils who are among the highest performers at key stage 2 are more likely than their non-eligible peers to fall behind by key stage 4.


Schools must show they are using their recovery premium effectively:

  • by publishing a statement on their website which presents an overview of their pupil premium and recovery premium strategy, and demonstrates that their use of the funding meets the requirements of the conditions of grant

  • through inspections by Ofsted - inspectors may discuss plans schools have to spend their pupil premium and recovery premium funding

  • through scrutiny of pupil premium and recovery premium plans by governors and trustees

  • by declaring that they have spent the funding in line with the conditions of grant (including that it has not been spent on NTP) and can demonstrate this upon request

See current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24 below

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