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  • OUR SCHOOL | captainwebb | Dawley

    Our School - Vision and Ethos At Captain Webb Primary School we take a collaborative approach to learning, by listening to, and involving, all people in our school community. ​ Every child is valued as an individual and encouraged to achieve and succeed in all that they do. ​ All people involved with Captain Webb Primary School are thoughtful and respectful of others, creating a nurturing environment to help us strive for success

  • Geography | captainwebb

    Geography Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Within geography, we believe that children should develop an understanding, and love of, the world around them. Our geography curriculum is designed to encourage children to ask and enquire about the natural and the human world. Throughout their time at Captain Webb, children are given opportunities to explore the world around them through memorable experience visits and fieldwork. These experiences, along with lessons within school, ignite an enthusiasm to learn. Geography is embedded in the processes and people around us that form our environment. At Captain Webb, we want our pupils to develop a deep understanding of the natural and human environments, alongside an understanding of the physical and human processes which form these. By providing pupils with the key knowledge, we enable them to develop the skills required to understand and navigate our world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all of the knowledge and skills required to be competent and enthusiastic geographers. Our curriculum has been rigorously planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon not only each year, but each term and within every geography lesson. Knowledge within our geography curriculum is split into locational, place, human and physical. These are mapped out across the year groups to ensure progression. From this knowledge, children can also develop the key skills in each strand of the geography curriculum. These skills are applied during fieldwork both on site and during memorable experience visits. Children carry out fieldwork in every year at Captain Webb. Not only does this develop their geographical skills, but also their understanding of the world around them. Based on their fieldwork, children produce maps which also develops their sense of the key concepts of place, space and environment. Geography at Captain Webb is taught through blocks which supports children to develop mastery of the subject. Children working at greater depth are able to revisit their learning and delve deeper into the topic. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Children also ask 6 ‘big questions’ about their topic to inform teachers’ planning and guarantee that learning is driven by children’s interests. This further develops their enthusiasm for the topic. ​ Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective geography teaching is clear in the children’s ability to apply their knowledge to fieldwork in each year group. The impact of geography is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Investing in digital mapping technology to help children develop a sense of place and scale. Incorporating memorable experiences into every topic, which allow exploration of people and landscapes Fieldwork in the local area Topics regarding current global issues, such as climate change and plastic in the oceans A residential visit to France, enabling pupils to experience differing cultures Geography Policy 2022.25 Geography SEND Geography Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans

  • School Development Plan | captainwebb

    Plan de desarrollo escolar Estas son las áreas en las que la escuela trabajará durante el año académico 2019/20 para garantizar que continuemos brindando la mejor educación posible para sus hijos. Este año, las principales áreas de desarrollo son la innovación curricular, la escritura a mano, la fonética y la lectura y los resultados para niños con necesidades educativas especiales. SDP 2023 - Behaviour and Pastoral SDP 2023 - Curriculum SDP 2023 - Governance SDP 2023 - SEND

  • Protective Characteristics | captainwebb

    PROTECTED CHARACTERISTICS PROMOTING THE NINE PROTECTED CHARACTERISITICS The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. ​ The Equality Act protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have. ​ Under the Equality Act, there are nine protected characteristics: Age Disability Gender reassignment Race - including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin Religion or belief Marriage or civil partnership Sex Sexual orientation Pregnancy and maternity No form of discrimination is tolerated at Captain Webb Primary School and our pupils show respect for those who share the protected characteristics. ​ We do not teach about all the protected characteristics in every year group. The curriculum is planned and delivered so that our pupils develop age appropriate knowledge and understanding during their time at Captain Webb Primary School (see below). ​ Each year group also have a selection of books to support in the delivery of the nine Protected Characteristics. Protected Characteristics - Content by year group. Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Captain Webb Primary School Equality Policies Pupil Equality Policy Staff Equality Policy

  • Enrichment at Captain Webb | captainwebb

    Enrichment Experiences At Captain Webb our curriculum is designed to instil high aspirations in all of our children and to encourage them to become resilient, life long learners who embrace challenges and continue to grow. Our children will be inspired to follow whichever path they choose whilst being well-rounded, conscientious citizens of our community as well as understanding how they can be global citizens. Our 6C values, understanding of SMSC and British Values enrich and underpin our curriculum to ensure Captain Webb children are prepared and equipped to succeed in their futures in an ever changing world. Our curriculum gives children opportunities to develop enquiring minds and a life long love of learning. We believe in celebrating every success and preparing our children for the future. We pride ourselves on giving our children a range of experiences to bring their learning to life, from hands on workshops, performances and trips to our two residentials a year including our Y6 trip to France, where we see our children develop and become ready for the next step in their journey. ​ Please find below an overview of our enrichment opportunities. Pupil Voice: How would you describe our curriculum at Captain Webb Primary? Pupil Voice: How would you describe our educational visits at Captain Webb Primary? CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >

  • Protecting Your Data | captainwebb

    Cómo gestionamos y protegemos sus datos El Reglamento general de protección de datos (GDPR) El Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) es una pieza de legislación de la UE que determinará cómo se procesan y mantienen seguros los datos personales de las personas, y los derechos legales que tienen las personas en relación con sus propios datos. 'Datos personales' significa información que puede identificar a una persona viva. Principios fundamentales El RGPD establece los principios clave con los que se deben procesar todos los datos personales. Los datos deben ser: procesados ​​de manera legal, justa y transparente; recopilados para fines específicos, explícitos y legítimos; limitado a lo necesario para los fines para los que se procesa; precisa y actualizada; sostenido de forma segura; solo se retiene durante el tiempo que sea necesario por las razones por las que se recopiló También existen derechos más estrictos para las personas con respecto a sus propios datos. Los derechos de la persona incluyen: ser informado sobre cómo se utilizan sus datos, tener acceso a sus datos, rectificar información incorrecta, borrar sus datos, restringir cómo se utilizan sus datos, mover sus datos de una organización a otra. , y oponerse a que sus datos se utilicen en absoluto Nuevos requisitos El RGPD es similar a la Ley de Protección de Datos (DPA) de 1998 (que las escuelas ya cumplen), pero refuerza muchos de los principios de la DPA. Los principales cambios son: Las escuelas deben designar un oficial de protección de datos, que asesorará sobre el cumplimiento del RGPD y otras leyes de protección de datos relevantes. Los avisos de privacidad deben estar en un lenguaje claro y sencillo e incluir información adicional: la 'base legal' de la escuela para el procesamiento, los derechos del individuo en relación con sus propios datos Las escuelas solo tendrán un mes para cumplir con las solicitudes de acceso a las materias y, en la mayoría de los casos, no pueden cobrar Cuando la escuela necesita el consentimiento de una persona para procesar datos, este consentimiento debe ser dado libremente, específico, informado y sin ambigüedades. Hay nuevas protecciones especiales para los datos de los niños. La Oficina del Comisionado de Información debe ser notificada dentro de las 72 horas posteriores a una violación de datos. Las organizaciones deberán demostrar cómo cumplen con la nueva ley. Las escuelas deberán llevar a cabo una evaluación del impacto de la protección de datos cuando consideren usar datos de nuevas formas o implementar nuevas tecnologías para monitorear a los alumnos. Cómo apuntamos a lograr esto En Captain Webb Primary School nos tomamos en serio la protección de datos y para asegurarnos de que cumplimos plenamente tanto con la Ley de Protección de Datos como con la nueva legislación GDPR. En esta medida hemos realizado las siguientes acciones: Estamos registrados como controlador de datos en la Oficina de Comisionados de Información ; nuestro número de registro es Z6446791 Hemos contratado a un Delegado de Protección de Datos, mediante contrato con la Autoridad Local. Hemos actualizado nuestra Política de protección de datos y nos aseguramos de que se revise anualmente para garantizar el cumplimiento de la legislación (ver más abajo). La política incluye las nuevas pautas sobre cómo realizar una solicitud de datos y el proceso que los padres / cuidadores deberán seguir. Hemos actualizado nuestra Política de Libertad de Información y nos aseguramos de que se revise anualmente para garantizar el cumplimiento de la legislación (ver más abajo). Hemos completado una auditoría de datos de toda la información recibida, retenida o compartida por la escuela. Esto incluye nombrar a una persona que sea responsable de cada flujo de datos, analizar cómo se reciben y almacenan los datos, su relevancia, si tenemos un propósito legal para conservar los datos y si se eliminan / destruyen en el momento adecuado. Hemos confirmado que las organizaciones con las que compartimos datos también cumplen con el RGPD y la normativa de protección de datos. Hemos actualizado nuestro Aviso de privacidad (ver más abajo) Hemos organizado una formación anual en protección de datos y el nuevo RGPD para todo el personal que son procesadores de datos (es decir, que tienen acceso / utilizan la información que tenemos). Hemos revisado nuestros propósitos legales para la conservación y el uso de datos. Si bien la mayoría de los datos que usamos se hacen por obligación legal (es decir, según la Ley de Educación de 1996 o Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2016) y nos permite realizar nuestra tarea pública, algunos datos que usamos no lo son. En estos casos Siempre buscaremos el consentimiento de los padres. Hemos actualizado nuestro formulario de consentimiento de los padres (ver más abajo) para asegurarnos de que los padres puedan ver claramente lo que se solicita y puedan optar positivamente. El consentimiento puede ser retirado por los padres, en cualquier momento, utilizando el formulario de consentimiento a continuación o comunicándose con la oficina de la escuela. Si bien la educación de su hijo no depende de su consentimiento, también le pedimos su consentimiento para ciertas actividades. Si bien esto no cae dentro del alcance del GDPR, la negativa a dar consentimiento a ciertas solicitudes (es decir, viajes y visitas, ver un video) podría tener un impacto en la inclusión de su hijo en ciertas actividades educativas . Parental Consent Form and Information Governance Policies Pupil/Parent Privacy Notice Read More Parental Consent Form Read More Information Sharing Policy - Mar 23 Read More Mobile Phone Policy - Sep 23 Read More Data Protection Policy - Sep 23 Read More FOI Policy - Sep 21 Read More FOI Model Publication Scheme Read More

  • Wrap Around Care & Clubs | captainwebb

    WRAP AROUND CARE No hay clubes extracurriculares en la actualidad The school runs a Breakfast Club every morning during term time. The cost is £2.50 per session. Although we do not currently request you book for Breakfast Club we do ask that you inform the school in advance, if you intend to start sending your child, so we can ensure the correct staffing ratios are in place. At Breakfast Club children are offered a breakfast of cereal, toast or crumpets, and have fruit juice, milk or water as drink options. The school does not charge for the breakfast, it is an added option for those children that have not eaten before attending, or who are still hungry. At Breakfast Club the children can play games, use the IT suite, read or do their homework. Breakfast Club starts at 7:30am and runs through to the start of school. The children are escorted from the club directly to their class. Your child can be dropped off anytime from 7:30 to class start time. After School Club The school runs an After School Club every day during term time, between the end of school and 6pm. Your child will be escorted straight to After School Club once the school day has ended. The cost per session is: £4.00 up to 4.15pm £5.50 up to 5pm £8.00 up to 6pm After School Club places must be booked in advance by completing the form below, and returning to Miss Mansell in the school office (or by email to ). Once she receives your application she will be able to advise you of availability of requested places. It is essential that After School Club places are pre-booked to ensure appropriate staff ratios are in place. Unlike Breakfast Club there are no other staff available to cover if additional numbers are needed. We do not provide a meal at After School Club, but are happy if you wish to send in a snack for your child. At After School Club the children can play games, use the IT suite, read or do their homework. In addition they also do occasional activities such as baking, watch videos and have dance sessions. In the summer they also play games outside, weather permitting. After School Club Booking Form TERMLY ACTIVITY CLUBS Each half term the school runs various activities after school. These are advertised via Classdojo and Facebook, and are offered out on a first come, first served basis. You can book your child a place on these activities through Scopay (our online payment system) simply by consenting and making payment, however please make sure you book early as the clubs are very popular, and places go fast. Most of our clubs are run by Crossbar (a third party company who are specialist in sports education, who work alongside our school). There is a charge of £2 per session for these clubs. Activity sessions run by the teachers are free. A list of our current clubs is below: After School Activities - Summer 1 w/c 15th April 2024 - May Half Term Day Who Year Groups Subject Cost Monday Crossbar KS1 Multisports £10 Monday Mr Harris & Invite only Lego Free (12 Weeks) Miss Saville Tuesday Crossbar KS2 Boys Football £12 Wednesday Crossbar KS2 Striking & Fielding £12 Thursday Crossbar KS2 Girls Football £12 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Letters For Parents | captainwebb

    Cartas a casa 2020 - 2021 Year 5 - Safari Park 9 Oct 2023 Read More Year 5 - Chester Zoo 9 Oct 2023 Read More Year 5 - Cosford Air Museum 9 Oct 2023 Read More Year 1 - Tour of Telford 9 Oct 2023 Read More Rec - Tiny Town 15 Sept 2023 Read More Year 6 - Polar Regions Workshop 8 Sept 2023 Read More Year 1 - Weston Park 14 Jul 2023 Read More Year 1 & 2 - PJ's Children's Entertainer of the Year 6 Sept 2023 Read More Year 4 - ThinkTank 6 Sept 2023 Read More Year 5 - Egyptian Workshop 5 Sept 2023 Read More Year 3 - Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre 14 Jul 2023 Read More

  • SEN and Disabilities | captainwebb

    Necesidades educativas especiales: oferta escolar En Captain Webb nuestro principal objetivo es brindar un plan de estudios inclusivo, diferenciado y que tenga en cuenta las necesidades del niño y la capacidad de permitir el acceso a todas las áreas del plan de estudios, en línea con sus compañeros. Creemos que esto se puede lograr con éxito mediante una cuidadosa agrupación y planificación, informada, cuando sea necesario, por recomendaciones de agencias externas. Entendemos que cada niño es un individuo y aprende a su manera, los métodos de enseñanza deben adaptarse para abordar todos los estilos de aprendizaje. Nuestra oferta escolar destaca lo que podemos ofrecer a los niños con SEND y está fuertemente vinculada a nuestra política SEN. Identificación: Nuestra política SEND destaca cómo los niños son identificados y monitoreados de cerca cuando surgen inquietudes sobre una necesidad educativa especial o una discapacidad. Esto sigue la guía del Código de conducta SEND (2015) y está estrechamente relacionado con la oferta local de Telford y Wrekin. Cualquier inquietud relacionada con su hijo debe discutirse inicialmente con el maestro de la clase, quien se comunicará con SENDco. El maestro de la clase y SENDco pueden reunirse con los padres para discutir cómo se está apoyando a su hijo y los próximos pasos. Intervenciones: La intervención temprana debe ser la base de la estrategia de intervención de una escuela; esto requiere que la escuela complete evaluaciones continuas en la guardería, la guardería, la recepción y el primer año y que realice un seguimiento del progreso de los niños. Se recomienda que el número de programas de intervención sea limitado, a fin de garantizar que los programas sean de alta calidad, estén bien administrados y tengan un impacto en los logros. Ola 1 - Enseñanza inclusiva para toda la clase Enseñanza de calidad primero para todos los niños. La inclusión efectiva de todos los niños en la enseñanza diaria de alfabetización y matemáticas de alta calidad. Dirigido por profesores, apoyado por TA Wave 2 - Disposición dirigida La provisión específica es la provisión que recibirán los niños si logran un progreso menor al esperado dentro de la provisión de la primera fase. Puede ser informado por el asesoramiento de agencias externas y requerirá un mapa de suministro para resaltar las intervenciones exactas, incluidos los datos de referencia para garantizar que el progreso sea medible. Los niños pueden recibir algunas de estas intervenciones, a menudo en grupos pequeños, según sus necesidades. Dirigido por profesores o gestionado por profesores y dirigido por AT Provisión para mayores necesidades de Wave 3 La provisión para necesidades más altas es la provisión que recibirá un pequeño número de niños si la provisión de la segunda etapa no les permite hacer un progreso constante. Se basará en el asesoramiento de agencias externas y requerirá un mapa detallado de provisión individual para resaltar las intervenciones exactas, incluidos los datos de referencia para garantizar que el progreso sea medible. Es una disposición muy individual. Dirigido por profesores o gestionado por profesores y dirigido por AT Las cuatro áreas de necesidad: En Captain Webb seguimos el código de conducta de SEN (2014) para identificar cuatro áreas principales de necesidad. Estos son: Comunicación e interacción Cognición y aprendizaje Salud social, emocional y mental Desarrollo sensorial y físico Reconocemos que los niños pueden tener más de un área de necesidad y pueden estar interrelacionados. La oferta local de Telford y Wrekin destaca cómo la autoridad local se esfuerza por satisfacer las necesidades de los niños con SEND, detallando los recursos y servicios disponibles para aquellos con algún tipo de necesidad educativa especial o discapacidad: Servicios disponibles para los padres: En Captain Webb nos esforzamos por construir una relación positiva y de apoyo con los padres para garantizar lo mejor para los niños y sus familias. Para ayudar en esto ofrecemos: Días trimestrales de consultas para padres Reuniones disponibles con el maestro de la clase / SENDco para discutir las preocupaciones de los padres Mapas de suministro compartidos con los padres de manera trimestral, y se discute el progreso. Los padres se mantienen completamente informados sobre el apoyo que los niños reciben dentro de la escuela y de agencias externas visitantes. Oportunidades para que los padres y los niños contribuyan con ideas y discutan la provisión en la escuela. Ideas sobre cómo apoyar a los niños en casa Reuniones con el maestro de SENDco / clase y los padres para discutir la participación de la agencia externa, por ejemplo, después de una visita de LSAT Los siguientes servicios pueden ser de ayuda para los padres que necesiten apoyo. BEAM Oferta local de Telford y Wrekin IASS Padres que abren puertas (POD) Ican2 actividades para niños con discapacidades Participación de los alumnos En Captain Webb creemos que es de suma importancia mantener a los niños involucrados en la toma de decisiones sobre ellos mismos y las decisiones sobre toda la escuela. Los niños están plenamente informados de sus objetivos y se les anima a compartir sus puntos de vista al respecto y revisar su progreso hacia ellos. Todos los niños inscritos en el registro SEND también completarán un perfil de una página, hablando sobre lo que es importante para ellos, lo que les resulta difícil y la mejor manera de recibir apoyo. Los alumnos tienen la oportunidad de unirse al consejo escolar, donde pueden expresar los pensamientos e ideas de sus compañeros. El consejo escolar se reúne de forma regular y recibe sugerencias de sus compañeros para discutirlas en las reuniones. Derecho al plan de estudios El código de práctica de la SEN (2015) establece: Todos los niños y jóvenes tienen derecho a una educación adecuada, adecuada a sus necesidades, que promueva altos estándares y la realización de su potencial. Esto debería permitirles: • lograr su mejor • convertirse en personas seguras de sí mismas que viven una vida plena, y • hacer una transición exitosa a la edad adulta, ya sea en el empleo, educación o formación continua o superior En Captain Webb nos esforzamos por garantizar que todos los niños tengan acceso al plan de estudios completo, siendo la diferenciación una herramienta clave para permitir esto. La evaluación continua ayuda a los profesores a identificar posibles áreas de dificultad y, por lo tanto, abordar cómo se pueden minimizar, haciendo adaptaciones para garantizar que el plan de estudios sea accesible para todos. Satisfacemos necesidades adicionales de diversas formas, entre las que se incluyen: apoyo en clase para grupos pequeños grupo pequeño o retiro 1-1 apoyo de clase individual / retiro individual diferenciación de recursos recursos especializados Apoyo a la crianza Mapa de disposición de toda la escuela (ver adjunto) la escuela ofrece olas de intervención.docx Instalaciones y accesos específicos Nos esforzamos por garantizar que todos los niños tengan la oportunidad de acceder a todas las áreas de la vida escolar, asegurándonos de que puedan desarrollar todo su potencial. Hay instalaciones para discapacitados disponibles en todos los edificios. Pasamanos, rampas y una cuidadosa selección de aulas garantizan que el acceso esté disponible para todos. Cuando sea necesario, se buscará el consejo de los padres y agencias externas para garantizar que las necesidades de los niños se satisfagan plenamente. Pueden emplearse diferenciación, recursos y equipo especializado para garantizar que los niños tengan acceso al plan de estudios completo. Los estilos de aprendizaje son una consideración importante en la planificación de lecciones, asegurando que se satisfagan todas las necesidades. Todos los niños están incluidos en todas las áreas de la vida escolar, donde se emplearán formas alternativas de trabajo necesarias para garantizar que todos puedan participar. Agencias / servicios externos con los que la escuela se relaciona En Captain Webb nos basamos en la experiencia de una serie de agencias externas que apoyan y asesoran para ayudarnos a satisfacer las necesidades de los niños identificados con un SEND. Éstas incluyen: Equipo Telford y Wrekin SEN Panel de acceso justo Servicio de apoyo al comportamiento (BSS) Intervención rápida Equipo asesor de apoyo al aprendizaje (LSAT) Psicología de la educación (EP) Terapeutas del habla y el lenguaje (SALT) Terapia ocupacional (OT) Servicio de inclusión sensorial (SIS) Enfermera de la escuela Conexión familiar Servicio de salud y bienestar mental Bee U Consejeros IASS El SENDco también asiste regularmente a las reuniones de actualización de la red y se comunica con otros SENDco para obtener asesoramiento y apoyo. Arreglos de transición Cuando un niño llega o se va de la escuela Captain Webb, nos comunicaremos estrechamente con los padres y el entorno anterior para garantizar que se comprendan bien las necesidades del niño y la mejor forma de apoyarlo, incluidos los próximos pasos. Al cambiar de clase al comienzo de un nuevo año académico, los niños tendrán días para conocer y familiarizarse con su nuevo maestro y el entorno de la clase. Si se considera necesario, los niños pueden tener días adicionales para apoyar el proceso y generar confianza. Los maestros de la clase tendrán discusiones detalladas sobre los niños, incluido el intercambio del mapa de provisión más reciente y el progreso logrado durante el año. Todos los niños en el registro SEND también completarán un perfil de una página hablando sobre lo que es importante para ellos, sus dificultades y cómo sienten que pueden recibir el mejor apoyo. Puede ser necesario que el niño tenga un libro de información sobre su nueva clase y sus facilidades para hablar de ello con la familia y así minimizar la ansiedad antes de comenzar un nuevo grupo de año. Las transiciones a la secundaria implican un vínculo estrecho entre el Capitán Webb y la nueva escuela. Toda la información SEND que se tenga sobre el niño se enviará a la nueva escuela y el maestro de la clase SENDco tendrá discusiones sobre las necesidades actuales del niño y los próximos pasos, incluida la mejor manera de apoyar al niño. Para los niños con un EHCP, nos aseguramos de que el SENDco de la escuela receptora esté invitado a la revisión anual del período de verano para obtener una visión e información sobre las necesidades del niño, asegurando así una transición sin problemas. Enlaces Útiles: Telford & Wrekin Council ENVIAR código de práctica SEND Policies SEND Information Report - June 23 Read More Accessibilty Plan Read More SEND Brochure Read More SEND Policy - Jul 23 Read More SENCO Contacto: Alison Feeney Gavin Dick Tel: 01952 386770

  • Writing | captainwebb

    Writing Curriculum Statement Intent At Captain Webb Primary, we want all children to be able to communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions confidently through their writing. We believe that all children should experience an abundance of quality, engaging texts that fosters a love for reading and stimulates children to write. We want all children to be immersed in a rich, creative and carefully planned curriculum that provides real life contexts for writing. ​ We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. We believe in setting high standards in the presentation of writing along with setting the important foundations in spelling and grammar. Our aim is for all children to leave our school, fully equipped with the literacy skills to achieve their dreams in future life and memories of their literacy journey at ‘Captain Webb’ lasting a life time. ​ Implementation At Captain Webb Primary School, we understand the importance of a learning journey that leads to opportunities for extended pieces of writing. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Please click on the link below for our whole school writing progression grid. Whole School Writing Progression Grids Our teaching of writing across the school is linked to a topic or a class text, carefully chosen to inspire and excite the children. All writing units will start with a stimulus, which could be a high quality reading text or a memorable experience. Our teacher’s plan exciting memorable experiences every half term. These class visits provide the children with meaningful experiences to support them in writing for a range of purposes and illustrate how their writing skills can be applied to real life contexts. ​ Our teachers also use carefully selected, high-quality reading texts, relating to the History, Geography or Science focus or from the author focus for the half term. Children are expected to transfer their key topic knowledge and vocabulary into their writing and vice versa to transfer their spelling, grammar and punctuation knowledge into their topic work. We expect the high standards for writing in Literacy lessons to be evident within the work in all books. At Captain Webb Primary School, we believe that writing is strengthened by instilling a love for reading within our pupils. ​ Every year group has a yearly Curriculum Map that outlines where narrative or non-narrative are taught and links to other curriculum areas such as reading and humanities. Detailed Medium Term planning supports teachers to plan a sequence of progressive weekly lessons and over time, giving the children time to master new concepts. Within this document, key objectives and vocabulary are outlined.​ The curriculum has been specifically sequenced in a logical progression to ensure that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before: Early Years to Year 6. This enables our pupils to know more and remember more. End points and target points within objectives are identified for each year group through a whole school progression plans. 2 Year Old Provision Read More Pre-School Read More Reception Read More Year 1 Read More Year 2 Read More Year 3 Read More Year 4 Read More Year 5 Read More Year 6 Read More Medium Term Plan Example How is Writing taught at Captain Webb? We use carefully chosen model texts as well as live teacher modelling and shared writing so that pupils can see the process involved in creating a piece of writing. The learning journey is captured throughout a unit of work and is documented through consistent working walls and washing lines. Please find examples of these on the photographs below. We recognise the vital importance of exposing our pupils to a rich and varied vocabulary and understand that their acquisition and command of vocabulary are key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum. We use model texts and class novels to teach vocabulary in context and encourage discussion around word choices when writing. Dictionaries, thesauruses and word mats are readily available throughout all writing lessons. Guided writing sessions are used to target specific needs of both groups and individuals. All children are given focus spellings and are encouraged to integrate these into their writing. The weekly spellings are taken from the spelling rules being taught in their discrete RWI spelling session. (Refer to the spelling section below for more information.) The children are given the opportunity to write at length daily and all pupils complete an extended, independent piece of writing at the end of a unit of work known as their hot write. Teachers use the hot writes to measure the progress made within a unit of writing and targets are set in readiness for the next piece of writing. Here is an example from Year 2 Staff follow our Marking and Feedback policy, to provide pupils with live feedback as much as possible so that children are actively involved in drafting, editing and improving their writing. From an early age, children are encouraged to proofread their work carefully to check for spelling and punctuation errors. By the time children get to Key Stage 2, they will plan, draft and edit independently, enabling them to fully take part in the writing process. In Early Years, writing is taught under the area of Literacy: Reading & Writing. To support the learning of Writing, the skills in EYFS are essential. Children are given opportunities to write at each of their stations set up in the EYFS learning area, both in and outside of the classroom. Children are encouraged to know how to grip their pencil and build muscles for writing. More formal writing sessions begin in Reception through our systematic phonics programme, Read, Write Inc Phonics. Pupils are taught letter sounds and how to blend and segment to read and write simple words and phrases matched to the sounds learnt. As children’s phonics skills and knowledge of letter sounds develop further, children will then begin to complete writing tasks linked to a class text, using their phonics knowledge to write for a wider range of purposes. To find out more about writing in the EYFS, please follow this link. EYFS Curriculum At Captain Webb, we identify children who need additional support and provide intervention in the most effective and efficient way that we can. We run phonics, reading and writing intervention groups and ensure that our lessons are effectively differentiated to maximise each child’s potential. Spelling ​ The ability to write ideas down fluently requires a good understanding of spelling. In Reception and Key Stage 1, we follow the Read Write Inc Phonics programme to teach pupils how to write phonemes as graphemes. Please click on this link to find out more about Read Write Inc Phonics Spelling. From Year 2 to Year 6, we use the follow on programme Read Write Inc. Spelling. These schemes ensure full coverage of, and progression within the National Curriculum requirements. To find out more about the Read Write Inc Spellings programme please click on this link. Read Write Inc Spelling Programme Handwriting Handwriting is taught in line with the National Curriculum objectives. In the Early Years, pupils complete fine motor activities to develop hand/finger strength and are taught how to hold a pencil correctly. In Reception, all pupils are taught how to form their letters correctly using the Read Write Inc Phonics programme. For more information, please click on the links below. Read Write Inc. Phonics From Year 2 onwards, through daily handwriting lessons, we begin to explicitly teach correct joins, consistent letter size and clear ascenders and descenders. We follow the Nelson Handwriting scheme. Additional support is given through handwriting interventions where needed. Please refer to the handwriting policy below for more information on how handwriting is taught at Captain Webb Handwriting Policy Impact By the time children leave Captain Webb Primary School, they are competent writers who able to write creatively for a range of purposes. They can write for a sustained amount of time, manipulating grammar and punctuation skills to produce a crafted piece of written work. Our pupils acquire a wide vocabulary and have a strong command of the written word. Most importantly, they have a positive view of writing due to learning in an environment where writing is promoted as being an exciting, engaging and enjoyable subject in which they can express themselves confidently and creatively. ​ ‘We went to Warwick Castle and I know lots of facts about Castles now. I’ve written a report about Castle Defences.’ – Year 2 pupil. “I really enjoyed the story ‘On the Way Home’ by Jill Murphy. We wrote our own version of the story but changed it to ‘All the way around Dawley.’ It was so much fun. We went for a walk around the local area and used what we saw in our story like Captain Webb’s memorial.” Year 2 pupil. ‘Our visits help us with English because they help give us better descriptions of what we’re writing about. When we went to Blists Hill, we got to see real Victorian streets and a Victorian schoolroom, which I included in my story.’ – Year 6 pupil. ‘Writing in theme lessons gives us a wider variety of topics to write about and gives us inspiration about new things like when we wrote a science experiment about how lemons and oranges can power an LED light!’ – Year 6 pupil. Outcomes of work in both English and other books evidence the high quality of work and the impact of varied and cross-curricular writing opportunities. Attainment in writing is measured consistently throughout the year. At the three assessment checkpoints, progress is tracked, using our year group writing standards, which have been taken from the National Curriculum. For those children who have yet to access the Year 1 statements, pre key stage statements are used. Termly moderations take place, to quality assure judgements made. These are either in house, or as part of a cluster of local schools. End of Key Stage writing: teachers will assess a selection of pieces of writing in Years 2 and Year 6, using this to inform reported Teacher assessment judgements. Exemplification materials are used to support judgements made. Assessment data shows that… KS1 results have seen a steady rise and in 2019, 78% reached ARE with 22% reaching greater depth which is above national expectations. In 2019, 78% of KS2 children achieved ARE in writing and 20% greater depth which is in line with national expectations.

  • SMSC | captainwebb

    SMSC at Captain Webb SMSC- (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) At Captain Webb, we ensure that our curriculum is a vehicle for SMSC education. SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. ​ The following explores each aspect of SMSC and outlines how pupils may demonstrate their development in each area. ​ Spiritual Exploring beliefs and experience; respecting values; discovering oneself and the surrounding world; using imagination and creativity; reflecting. Our children's spiritual development is shown by their beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible use of imagination and creativity in their learning willingness to reflect on their experiences. Moral ​ Recognising right and wrong; understanding consequences; investigating moral and ethical issues; offering reasoned views. Our children's moral development is shown by their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives understanding of the consequences of their actions interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues. ​ Social ​ Using social skills in different contexts; working well with others; resolving conflicts; understanding how communities work. Our children's social development is shown by their use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively develop interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels. acceptance of and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. They will develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain ​ Cultural ​ Appreciating cultural influences; participating in culture opportunities; understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity. Our children's cultural development is shown by their: understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage willingness to participate in, and respond to, for example, artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities interest in exploring, understanding of, and respect for cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities. knowledge of Britain’s democratic Parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain ​ SMSC and Religious Education ​ It is our aim that Religious Education should contribute to the spiritual, moral and social and cultural development of our pupils. Religious Education can help children develop their own informed values, religious and non-religious. Children should learn to respect themselves and be sensitive to the needs and experiences of others, including considering the effect our actions have upon others. Religious Education can also help develop pupils’ understanding of social issues like stewardship of the Earth’s resources, our citizenship within local, national and global communities and a genuine respect for persons and sensitivity to their values and beliefs. Religious Education should also equip pupils to challenge inequalities and disadvantages associated with race, gender, class and ability. ​ SMSC and PSHE Jigsaw brings together SMSC, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. A variety of teaching strategies are used and are mindful of each child’s preferred learning style. Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike. There is a Weekly Celebration that highlights a theme from that week’s lesson across the school, and encourages children to reflect that learning in their behaviour and attitudes. ​ ​ HOW WE PREPARE CHILDREN FOR LIFE IN MODERN BRITAIN AT CAPTAIN WEBB RETURN TO CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >

  • Our Curriculum | captainwebb

    Curriculum Design Statement Intent, Implementation and Impact Our curriculum provides children with engaging, exciting and empowering learning experiences that allows them to be successful. They become confident, responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. ​ We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative, and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide context enrichment opportunities to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. ​ We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. ​ We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: ​ Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture ​ Our children have a sense of belonging and value the community in which they live therefore community involvement is an integral part of the school. Regular invitations to families and visitors facilitate learning new and sharing experiences such as assemblies, curriculum outcomes and community days take place. Children regularly contribute to supporting and developing their local community. To see how we implement our curriculum please select from the links below. Curriculum Framework Overview - Year R Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 2 Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 4 Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 1 Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 3 Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 5 Curriculum Framework Overview - Year 6 Each year group have a curriculum overview which maps out the whole year curriculum planning. Each subject leader will have a long-term plan which sets the learning for the year for their subject area. Progression documents have been created to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum. These have been developed following research and advice from expert leaders in education. Medium-term plans are created from progression documentation and longer-term plans to ensure coherent coverage of key knowledge, skills and concepts and clear progression routes over a sequence of lessons. Prior learning is evident on plans which supports teachers with ensuring key knowledge is revisited. Senior leaders and subject leaders will monitor planning for compliance. Reading is a high priority for the school where the selection of texts has been thought about carefully and invested in heavily. Text have been carefully mapped out to ensure they compliment the wider curriculum at an appropriate age-related standard. There is a commitment for children to gain a love of reading which is evident through the reading areas throughout school. Teachers react to the needs of the children and each cohort to ensure that the children’s needs are being met. Whether this is through SEND or cohort specific needs. The emotional needs of the children are met through a variety of external and internal specialists including a play therapist, counsellor, educational psychologist, LSAT, Mental Health Support Practitioner, behaviour and SEND outreach, Talk and drawing and ELSA. Children are immersed in a variety of experiences throughout their time at Captain Webb Primary & Nursery. These are often at the start of new learning to enhance their understanding and support children within knowing more and remembering more. Forest school is available to all pupils throughout the year to enhance the children’s love of learning and enquiry skills. They gain lifelong skills outside of classroom environment. During their time at Captain Webb Primary & Nursery, children will have the opportunity to attend Arthog Outreach (Y3 &Y5), Arthog residential (Y4) and France in Y6. Assessment for learning opportunities take place in lesson to assess prior knowledge and information gained in a lesson. Teachers use these to address any misconceptions. To support our assessment of the core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) we use Ruth Miskin Assessments for RWI, Salford Reading ages, Fluency assessments, White Rose Mathematical tests & Rising Stars for Science. We capture data at 3 points across the academic year at the end of the of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Term to ensure that all children are making at least expected progress. By the time children leave Captain Webb Primary & Nursery, they have the appropriate knowledge and skills required to be secondary ready.

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